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Upcoming News Article Prepare For The Next Earthquake

Upcoming News Article: Prepare for the Next Earthquake

Stay Safe During an Earthquake

An earthquake is a sudden, rapid shaking of the earth caused by the shifting of underground rock. Deaths and injuries occur when people fall trying to walk or run during an earthquake. In most cases, it is best to drop, cover, and hold on to protect yourself.

Be Prepared for the Next Earthquake

Temblors frequently strike around the world. These suggestions will help you prepare for the next quake that might rattle your town. It is important to know the signs of an earthquake so you can get into a safe position. There are four basic steps you can take to be more prepared for an earthquake:

  1. Secure your space by identifying hazards and securing movable items.
  2. Create an emergency plan and practice it with your family.
  3. Build an emergency kit and keep it in an easily accessible location.
  4. Stay informed about earthquake preparedness and response.
